Error reporting upgrades / RPM update

RPM Remote Print Manager® ("RPM") update was available November 26, 2018. This update includes the following items.

Archive setup

In the user interface, we changed the default output filename template for the archive action to use the job ID instead of the ticket ID. You can still set the output filename to use any job metadata that you want, we just changed the default value.

We are investigating how to get the job copy number as well, for those jobs which specified multiple copies.

Device tester update

Now when the device tester fails a device, it sets the device status to the Windows error message involved in the failure. In the past, we’ve used somewhat oblique values like “open printer” without explaining just what went wrong.

Also, the device tester uses critical events to record all failures. If a device fails for any reason, the customer should know about it.

Finally, this matters only if you have diagnostic logging for the device manager turned on, but each time the device tester validates a device, it is now removed from the list of “devices scheduled to be validated”.

User logon failure

The code that impersonates a user in order to use login credentials now generates a critical event whenever that login fails. In the past, this has been a difficult error to track down because when the user does a routine password update on their account, if those credentials were used for device access to shared printers or folders (or interactive use) then the job would fail but the actual error could be hard to track down.