About purchase orders

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We use Standard Practices

Our office has accepted and processed purchase orders since 1995 from every continent but Antarctica. Chances are we have seen your forms or similar. If we have questions, we are not afraid to ask.


When we invoice, we add a pay link to pay through QuickBooks.

Our main requirements

  • your organization's purchase order form, signed by an authorized representative
  • the specific items you are ordering
  • the correct price
  • contact information for Accounts Payable

We routinely confirm receipt of invoices and processing status.

Please review our terms in Payment and Terms


We will happily provide you a quote on request.

Customers often request a quote first and order from that. Some organizations include a copy of the quote with their purchase order. This is helpful but not required.

Submitting your order

How to submit your purchase order:

  • email a PDF to our sales address
  • fax to +1 208-523-9482
  • mail to our address:

    PO Box 51466
    Idaho Falls, ID 83405


If you don't have our sales email, please use the site's contact form and request it.email

Please use a generic address, not a specific person's email. If they are out of the office for any reason, it will take much longer to track down and process.